Come a little closer, and let me whisper into your ear... yes... that's right. portfolio website is in the making, but in the meantime, feel free to browse this blog as well as the online shoppe...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

hermit crab.

Hey folks. Sorry I'm such a LAZY HOBO who lives underneath a tarp in a vacant lot where a brothel used to be. Also, sorry for CAPITALIZING UNNECESSARY WORDS. I really don't mean to, it just happens at random TIMES. I guess it is time to bring up the bulleted lists and try and summarize my slothfully boring life.

Let's see.....
  • Last Friday I went to a gallery stroll with Corrinne and Marzji. Those two gals are pretty much the funnest, most insightful and cultured people that walk this earth. I loved talking about music and art and other cultured things that cultured people do. And window shopping at that local artisan store. It's a good thing it was closed, or else we would have spent our money. All of it. Seriously, I had fun. Fun! What a novelty these days, you know? Fun and coming back to my house for Regina Spektor listening AND nutella toast? Even better.
  • This dude {and I use that term in a laid-back So-Cal tone of voice} from a local skate shop contacted me via interwebz. He wants be to come into the store and establish an art portfolio to print my stuff. {And actually follow through with it..hint, hint, hint ...Caleb..} He has some ties with slugmag and wants to get an editorial published about me in it. I know that I shouldn't get my hopes up, because that is unrealistic and ridiculous, but can you even imagine? I'd be famous! Locally! Sort of!
  • My stepsister got married today. Moving to Alaska next week. I wore a giant bow in my hair for the occasion. He wore his Air Force blues and her dress was absolutely gorgeous.
  • Joseph opens next week. Part nervous. Part intimidated. Part giddy?
  • Spring is almost here....after this snow storm.
  • I plan on selling skirts and bags at this year's far-mar. Woo-hoo.
  • I realized that half of the people who I normally hang out with are posers. Why can't people just be themselves?
  • I went to dinner Thursday night with my mum's old friend from New York. He's crazy. I'll post a picture I drew of him someday.
  • My sister is taking me to see Passion Pit and Mermaid Baby for my birthday, I'm super stoked.
  • High School is near approaching. Bringing back my artsy side. Phase 1.
  • I reconnected with a friend that I haven't seen in six years. It has been the most fascinating thing. Plus I get all sentimental when I reminisce.

I had much more to post about, but being the LAZY HOBO I am, I can't remember anything else. The sixties are catching up to me...

1 comment:

Grant Family said...

You make me want to be you! All the time! Urgh. Haha. But then I remember to be myself. I miss you so much Lexi! You are the most talented and gorgeous girl I know.