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Monday, March 21, 2011

11. I took another good picture once.

NOTE: This photo is completely unedited. Doesn't it make me look like a serious photographin' chick? Boo-yeah.
Now, I'm sure it seems like I purposely didn't edit this photo because I'm such an amazing photographer. Which to that I'm sure you are all saying " Oooh... look at how she captures the essence of the Wyoming sun." and "She sure knows how to manipulate the light in her favor." and "I really underestimated her photographical skills." and "Just another blog post proving that she is the greatest photographer to ever surf our humble little blogosphere."
While I should be gloating about being such a diamond in the rough world of photography blogging, while flipping my too-short-to-actually-flip-let-alone-do-anything-with hair and juggling a set of Butcher knives with names like "Ninja" and "Miracle Blade", really you are all being fooled by my intense photography skill.
In all actuality I took this picture whilst on Pioneer trek during the summer, whilst not participating in any sort of pioneer line-dancing, whilst suffering with a blister the size of a 50-cent piece and a nickel smushed together whilst using my mother's broken camera, after accidentally sitting in a circumstantially wet cow pie. Such a pity you can't see all the cow pies. There were some fresh ones. It was more like a "I think that it took a picture but I can't really tell because this cam-er-a {pronounced like Jenna on 30 rock} keeps beeping like it is giong to blow up" sort of deal. I held my breath and pushed down on the button, hoping that my mum wouldn't be too mad at me for at least attempting to photograph my spiritual pioneer journey. {I literally only took about 5 more pictures.}
I'm really also just too lazy to open up photoshop and painstakingly adjust the levels.
But, for the sake of my ego, we'll just pretend that I didn't edit this photo on purpose.
Dude! It's almost as if I'm on of the profesh-ish photographer-pals that live in my sidebar! Do check them out. Baby's on the half tip!


Maryn said...

Dang. I'm sorry if I sound snobby when I get good straight-out-of-the-camera pictures.

Lexi-Lupa said...

With you it's just pure talent! No snobbishness involved. This post was not meant to offend!!!

Super Milk-Chan said...

I am of the sound opinion that the best photos are the ones where you did everything right (even if by sheeeeeeer fucking luck) and it looked great, straight outta the camera. All of my favorite film shots were happy accidents. No lie.

You should really try more of this.