Hey folks. I don't have time to post anything about my long week. I wish I had time to tell you all about my awkward first meeting with my boss, or how I made friends with a handicapped girl during the run of the play, or the fact that the play even happened at all, or the sweet french-man card I made for Jeff the assistant director that I didn't once think about taking a picture of.{think stereotypical French man meets Kershisnik and Chomet}I wish I had time to tell you about how we bawled before the second act because we found out one of the cast members' friends' was in the hospital because her appendix burst. I wish I could tell you about how my outfits were incredibly boring this week or how I am chopping off my hair next week and possibly dyeing it blond. I wish I could tell you how I am seeing this lovely lady in concert tonight.
I wish I could tell you how I mastered the slouchy beanie and how she wrote this song yesterday for her 365 project {I wish I could tell you that the 365 project is where Emily writes a new song every day for a year} or that she was on KRCLyesterday morning and I missed it.
I wish I could tell you all about my long week, but alas, there is no time.
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