Come a little closer, and let me whisper into your ear... yes... that's right. portfolio website is in the making, but in the meantime, feel free to browse this blog as well as the online shoppe...

Friday, October 29, 2010

This soap smells like old people.

Woah! Hey! How are you? Excited for Halloween? Yeah? No? You don't believe in Halloween? Oh. Okay.

I know my posts have been seriously slackin' in the awesome department, but I promise many good things to come. Yesterday I learned how to use photoshop, which will open many doors and wasted hours spent with my pressure-sensitive pen in hand. mmmmmmmm.

Also, check out the new header! I've been working on it for a while now and I finally got it to a point where I really like it. That creepy little antlered boy sure has grown on me.

I really need to finish posting the San Franciso chronicles up here. It was like...5 months ago? Yeah. Pathetic.



Anonymous said...

Your header is too frickin' big.

Lexi-Lupa said...

I'll fix it.

Hannah Grace said...

That boy is going to slash my heart with that hook and kill me in my sleep.

Lexi-Lupa said...

Kill you with loooooove!!