For some reason I have this odd genetic makeup that makes me tell myself that I can achieve absolutely anything I desire as long as I put my mind to it and spend time on it. I do not think of how long it might actually take me to get there and I expect myself to be perfect the first time around. This belief is a root of many Disney movies and episodes if Arthur {so I am not entirely to blame.} and is completely and utterly farse.
Now, because of this, I give up easily and immediately head to bummertown as a result. AND LET ME TELL YOU, I HATE BUMMERTOWN. I get this ego built up and my head can barely fit through my favorite Jared Gold tank top and I automatically think I can do anything and am so great and blah blah blah and then BAM. I'm in bummertown. And there I am. Sitting in my room, listening to Manchester Orchestra and wondering what the heck happened and why the collar of my favorite Jared Gold tank top is so stretched out.
Okay, I may not seem like an egotistical jerkwad, but I can get that way deep down and am very good at hiding it. It is like long toenails, easily hidden by close-toed shoes but when seen in a sandal, remains grotesque and lint-y.
{Possibly the worst comparison written by man?!}
ANYways, ruts are stupid. Stooooooopid, if you will. And as much as I dislike them, I need to have them. They help keep us grounded so we can sort out our priorities and such.
And now a meaningful life lesson.
This rant session is making its way back to the station, but before I leave you, I must tell you to never do things in order to impress others. Take your time, and enjoy the process. When you stop enjoying that thing that you are truly passionate about, it isn't worth anything anymore. Sometimes, people can take that passion out of you. Ruts can help us find it again in a whole new life, and help us see the worth that was lost. Be passionate about things to please yourself, not just to get the recognition of others.
How was that for life lessons? Eh? Eh?
Take it away, song of the day!
I hope you get out of your rut soon. Just know I love you and that you CRACK. ME. UP. I mean, bummertown? Et cetera? You rock my socks.
I can ONLY draw things exactly how they look, and I wish that I could draw more like you.
I love you supportive peoples. You make me very happy.
And Rosie dearest needs to hold onto that talent with all of her might and perhaps teach Lexi her secrets one of these days when both of them are up in Fruit heights..
Lexie. You inspire me. I needed this today. LOVE YOU!
"Jared Gold tank top"? Please.
Dear Corrin.
STOP BEING SO DANG CYNICAL. It was the first thing I saw when I looked to my left in the laundry basket. Sheeeeeeeesh.
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