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Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday inspiro {in which I segway into another exciting San Francisco chronicles}

Sometimes, when it is Summer and you are focusing on improving your artistic skills by broadening your horizons, you come across certain things that seem to have endless inspiration to you at the time you find them.

These things can come in forms that one would not always expect in this day and age. One of the most obvious forms is music. Of course not all music can cause an eruption of inspirational matter. Very rarely any music that is blaring when you turn on the radio is. Real music--good music-- provides you with an increased sense of self and actually makes you feel. Music is another way to express one's emotion, and help others feel the exact way. The hunt for good music that actually has substance never ends in a world where we are constantly bombarded by the "Justin Bieber's" and the "Lady Gaga's" of our time. {No offense to those of you who actually like Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber. Honestly.} Good music actually has effort put into it. And an amazing music video to match isn't bad either. Musicians take a similar topic and add their own insight to how it is portrayed.

Or, to summarize that tedious paragraph, good music and musicians are completely their own. No duplicates. Also, good music has substance and can also be really weird.

As you, my dear readers, may know, I like to share good music {or what I think is} only this blog. I think that amazing artists should not be kept in the dark, and they should be heard. Becuase isn't that what every musician wants? Exposure?

Here are a few of my most recent favorites that show how two groups of very talented musicians handle the same topic in their own way. Both are beautiful and sources of endless inspiration to me, yet they have different ways of emoting. Please remain open minded to these songs, and try to pick out the similarities.

Headlights always have an element of something somewhat grotesque in their music videos, yet they always manage to pull it off in a manner that makes it so eerily beautiful. This song is a sad song. Yet a good one nonetheless. And all of the art in this video is absolutely spectacular.

The next is a personal favorite.

Directed and costumed by none other than my favorite Canadian-American artist Marcel Dzama!! It's a weird one, sure. But it is handled in that manner that makes it a very beautiful art form. When watching this video, think of all the work that went into it. Every costume, every ounce of choreography. And try to determine a storyline too. I want to hear your opinions and what you think!

These two examples have shown different ways an artist handles the topic of death. The first, rather morosely. You felt sad when you heard the combination of the lyrics and the storyline of the video. Yet with the Department of Eagles video, you didn't really feel that gloom that was portrayed in the first video. Perhaps it was the upbeat tempo and overall cheeriness of the song. It was just happy! And people were dying!

I apologize if I freaked anyone out while ranting in this post. It simply fascinates me how we are all different, and how we all interpret things differently. The human mind is a very complex and beautiful thing.

{This post was almost a foreword for my next post. So, if it doesn't make sense, you need to read this post first.}

I would love to hear your opinions. They are always welcome on this blog!


Maryn said...

I've known about No One Does it Like You for a while, but I had never seen the video till today. That was weird. Ha.

You should write a book or something! Holy kanoli.

Ellen Donner said...

I've experienced death of a close relative before and my reaction just happened to be a mixture of the two. Crazy mind, I have. I wasn't sad, I didn't cry (till like 2 weeks later and only for a moment or two). I didn't necessarilly want to dance and sing about it either.

Also. I wish I could stock-pile all your wonderful music. So So great. I just uncovered a good band you've probably already heard about because you're just cool like that. It's Beach House. They're going to open for Vampire Weekend in Sept.(2nd) at In the Venue. If you haven't already, check them out. they're pretty psychadelic if you ask me...

And also. You are basically the coolest person younger than me (aside from my lovely sister, Abby) ever in history.
P.s. THe word verification on this deal was stoof. urban dictionary defines it as a stereotypical d-bag or "much more awesome and/or fun than 'stuff'." Just in case you were wondering or something...