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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sir Jar Eye.

I like doing that for the post titles. It makes me feel like I'm playing Mad Gab or watching The Electric Company.

Well, tomorrow is the OFFICIAL day of my surgery. And let me tell ya, I am so stoked to get this tooth taken out of my face..{literally, it has grown into my nose and they must take it out of my face.} I hope I have some sweet scars or something. And I hope someone brings me pudding. Or scrambled eggs. Or Popsicles. Or mashed potatoes. Something soft. I'm not too picky.

I'm just kidding. Please don't feel obligated to bring me food. Especially if you are one of my out-of-state followers that I have never met. {That food must not travel well through the great American Postal Service. You want Ben Gibbard and the whole band to deliver it on hand and foot? He's bringing Zooey? Why, then, if you insist!}

On a completely different topic...

Corn and I are in the process of de-cluttering our room. Of course, you have to make it more cluttered before it can get de-cluttered, which is a bit of a let down when you want instant room-cleaning gratification. {Mary Poppins, anyone?}

I bid thee hence. Pictures soon to come of the gaping hole in my face and a de-cluttered room!

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