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Friday, February 5, 2010

That dog has soft armpits.

Oh my gawl.
It is 12:20 in the morning. I am sitting in my house, alone, watching Strictly Global and wondering why I am still up.
Can I tell you how whacked-out I am right now? Really, I am very, very, very (must I bold AND Italicize?) whacked-out. I spent the past 6 hours cutting out triangles and sewing for my friend's mum, Little Debbie. She is in charge of the costumes for the musical , and she needed a lot of help.
Speaking of the musicaaaaaaaal....
I have at least 4 new bruises and 3 new cuts from this musical. And just when my cuts and bruises from LAST year's musical had almost finished healing! Oh cuss (meh heh heh heh) ! I have to sit at the very top of a rather unstable 6-foot-tall pyramid. I do say, rather unstable. And frightening, to say the least. And then oh! How about you jump off of the very tall, rather unstable pyramid, while in the middle of belting? Why yes, director! I would love to risk my life simply for this mediocre-Junior-High production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat! How silly of me to think of my well-being!
I am sorry for my lack of posting this week. I have been a rather busy beaver. I have been suffering through A Tale of Two Cities in Honors' English. That plus rehearsals? Plus Trigonometry? Aw, come on guys!!
And to make matters worse, It is post-politics-hair-pomaded-punk week on Strictly Global. Duuuuuuuuumb. Anti-Flag. Even more duuuuuumb. This putridity makes me want to yammy on the keyboard. Or the cat sleeping on my chest slightly above the keyboard.
(P.S: Song of the day:)

Symphonies by Dan Black : Possibly the best music video ever??!

Perhaps I will go to sleep now.


1 comment:

Teresius said...

That pyrimid is probably one of the most unstable structures ever built,(being that we build it in like 20 seconds and that none of us really know what we are doing.)