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Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm not being smug, miss. It is just the unfortunate shape of my face.

Oh! Hai Thurr!

Golly, golly, good gracious golly! What an utterly fantastic week that has just passed!!I am utterly ecstatic for the following reasons: (And I'm not feeling nearly as cynical as I usually do!)
( Oh wait. Feeling's gone. BAH! )
  • Today I got an absolutely lovely letter from Marzipan. I love getting mail. It is almost as cool as Mike Mogis' facial hair. Almost, mind you. Almost.
  • This entire week I have actually loved the outfits I wore. All thanks to my new knock-off (drum roll) DOCS!!! Yes! Huzzah! I have been planning a post utterly and completely devoted to them!
  • I got my B- up to an A- in Geometry. Mathematics are extremely difficult for me, but when you are so freaky that you strive for a 4.0, you would appreciate it.
  • I drew for fun for the first time in months. Okay. Maybe not months, but it felt really good to do it just for me. Bahaha!
  • I am type-laughing a lot. Which is odd, since I have not laughed once while writing this post. In fact, I probably look rather smug while writing this. Ironic? Yes.
  • I am studying for my computer-tech end of levels for tomorrow. You should see my notes. They are covered in doodles.
  • I finally listened to the Monsters of Folk cd I got for Christmas. Oh my I am in love. Any beard-folk enthusiast : AKA MARYN. Buy. This . CD.
  • I decided to accept the fact that my New Year's resolution of improving my handwriting is not going to happen. In fact, I believe it is getting progressively worse. Hooray!
  • My sister and I are buying our tickets to go see Vampire Weekend in March. I am sooo stoked .
  • Vampire Weekend's new album legally comes out tomorrow!!! Contra for all!!!!

Which brings us to the Song of the day!:

If you know me well enough you are aware of my deep hatred for Taylor Swift music. Although, I am still in love with this cover! Watch the guy in the lower-right had corner. He is hilarious. (P.s.: Does he look familiar? Oh I think he does you Matches fans, you!!!) These fellas make life complete. {Well, them and Mike Mogis' facial hair.}

All my lovin', I will send to you,

(P.P.S: I think you all got that one you Beatles' fans out there on the World Wide!!)

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